Director of the Medical Institute of the Tula State University (TulSU). President of the Tula regional branch of the Interregional social organization «Academy of medico-technical Sciences». Deputy Director General for Europe (International biographical centre, Cambridge, England); Honorary Director General of the International biographical center (International biographical centre, Cambridge, England).
Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor. Soros Professor. Therapeutist of the highest category. Laureate of the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation. Academician 14 academies (6 international and 8 Russian): European Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Science (IAS), International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety (IAELPS), International Informatization Academy (IIA), International Academy of Creativity (IACE), New York Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academy of Medical-Technical Sciences of Russian Federation (АМТS), Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Laser Academy of Sciences (LAN), Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts (PASA), Academy of Engineering Sciences of Russian Federation (AIN), Academy of Fundamental Sciences, Academy of Russian Literature. Academician-Secretary of the Department of Fundamental Bio-medical Research of European Academy of Natural Sciences.
Main directions of scientific activity - development of the theory of self-organization of the management of the functional systems of the person, the development of medical and biological aspects of the theory of chaos and synergetics, development of new medical technologies on the basis of system analysis and synthesis, their instrumental provision, the decision of problems of physiology and pathophysiology, including physiology of sport, restorative medicine, physiotherapy, pulmonology, ecology of the environment and endoecology. The results of the research are presented in 36 exhibitions, including 11 international (Malta, Germany, India and Argentina). He has published 1685 scientific works, among them there are 103 monographs, 37 educational and methodical manuals, 1 textbook, 872 articles, 502 of which - in journals recommended by HAC, 86 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, 10 discoveries.
The head of the Tula Scientific School of «Medical technology in the System of External Control of the Operation of the Human Body», scientific adviser and head of the protected 83 thesis (doctoral 32 and 51 PhD). Member of the scientific Council Medical Main administration for service to the diplomatic corps under the foreign Ministry of Russia (certificate №131 from 7.06.2004). Member of the dissertation Council D Д 001.008.01 at the FSBSU "P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology". The expert of scientific and technical sphere FSBSI «Research Institute - Republican research scientific-consulting center for expertise». Expert RAS. On January 27, 2020 the h-index - 69.
Deputy Chief Editor of «Complexity. Mind. Postnonclassic». Member of the Editorial Board of the journals «International Integrative Medicine», «System analysis and management in biomedical systems», «Vladikavkaz medical-biological Bulletin», «Fundamental research», «Modern problems of science and education», «Therapist», «Organizmica», «Journal of theoretical and clinical medicine», «The Bulletin of International Academy of Sciences (Russian section)», «Ecological Bulletin of Yugoria», «Bulletin of the Academy of Medico-Technical Sciences», «Modern problems of fundamental medical research», «Economics of the XXI century: innovation, investment, education», «Modern problems of fundamental medical research», «Professional risk». Chairman of the Editorial Board of the scientific practical and analytical journal «Clinical Medicine and Pharmacology».
Public awards: medal. M.V. Lomonosov (international Academy of ecology and life safety); Honorary gold sign I.P. Pavlova (international Academy of Sciences), the Cambridge international biographical centre is included in the list of the 2,000 most outstanding scientists of the twentieth century; the order of Creation of the international Academy of Sciences), the order Vernadsky Star II degree (International Interacademic Union); inscribed medal of Cambridge biography center «100 outstanding scientists 2005»; memorial medals of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences «the Author of scientific discovery», devoted to the Nobel prize winner, P.L. Kapitza for opening №№ 285, 301, 380; n medal of Cambridge biography center «international professional 2007 in the field of medicine; European order of Nikolay Pirogov (European Academy of natural Sciences); medal R. Koch (European Academy of natural Sciences), Honorary title of «Founder of a scientific school» (Russian Academy of natural science); the Honored inventor of Europe (the European Academy of natural Sciences); medal, Leibniz (European Academy of natural Sciences); the honorary medal of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (the European Academy of natural Sciences); medal of Baron Alexander Ludwig von Stieglitz (European Academy of natural Sciences); the diploma «Honorary scientist of Europe» (European Academy of natural Sciences); the order of merit of the Alexander III» (European Academy of natural Sciences); «European gold medal for the contribution to public health, medical education, advanced the development of new medical technologies and the development of the theory of self-organization of the management of the functional systems of a man (European scientific and industrial chamber); medal «Honored inventor of the Fatherland» (the international Academy of authors of scientific discoveries and inventions), medal «Primus Inter Pares» (European Academy of natural Sciences).